Celebrating music, the arts, and you.
I was the Creative Director of Fieldview Festival from 2009-2018. It is an independent music and arts festival run by volunteers with our surplus profits donated to charities and causes we believe in. Starting as a garden party for 30 people, over a few years it grew to a 3000+ people and we donated over £35k. We decided to keep it small and local and through that cultivated a beautiful community of future-thinking wonder-people.
During the years, I designed hundreds of different elements, each different for each year. Wristbands, merchandise, the programme, the website, on-site signage, lanyards, teams, food tickets, on-site easter eggs; pretty much anything that can be thought of. Many times I worked in collaboration with other incredibly talented people in our ever expanding creative team.
The brief every year: bright, bold, colourful, vibrant. A celebration.
A snapshot of a various bits spanning the years:

Wristband designs from 2013's 'The Fieldview Express'.

Photos and videos by: Tristan Dunford, Kate G Hibbs, Esme Mai, Josie Maskell, Richard Shakespeare.